Installation of Aspell spell checker on Windows

Heartsome Frequently asked questions

Installation of Aspell spell checker on Windows?

Here is a short recipe for installing Aspell on Windows:

  • 1. Download Aspell and dictionaries for Windows from here.
  • 2. Install Aspell and the dictionaries in the default directories offered by the installers.
  • 3. Start XLIFF Editor.
  • 4. Select Aspell as default spell checker using the Default Spell Checker option in
    Options menu.
  • 5. Select Aspell Dictionaries in Options menu.
  • 6. Use the Browse button to locate "aspell.exe" and select it. The program is usually located in "C:\Program Files\Aspell\bin".
  • 7. Make sure that the Aspell Command text box is filled with
    "C:\Program Files\Aspell\bin\aspell.exe" and click on Refresh List button.
  • 8. Select a language from the left drop down box and the appropriate dictionary from the right drop down box.
  • 9. Click on the button with an arrow [->] that is between the two drop down boxes.
  • 10. Repeat steps 8 and 9 as necessary.
  • 11. Click on Save button.
