Working with issues

Idiom Frequently asked questions

working with issues?

Issues are problems that arise when globalizing content. Issues can be associated with a particular task (task issues), or can be assigned to a user or workflow role (independent issues).

There is a typo in one task. Since this issue only involves one task, and is not related to any particular user, you should log a task issue from the task list. In addition, the marketing manager reports that there is a missing graphic on one of the Spanish Web site's pages. Since there is no current project or task associated with this problem, you should log an independent issue from the issues list.

This chapter explains how to view, log, and modify task and independent issues.

Logging Issues
Where and how you log an issue depends on whether you are logging a task issue or an independent issue. See one of the following sections for an overview.

Task Issues
You log a task issue in the task list (Assignments>Projects>Project). Locate the task with an issue and click the issues link. A task issue remains with the task while it progresses through the workflow steps. The issues link is updated when you log a new task issue to reflect the number of open issues that task has associated with it. When logging a task issue, you specify the name, severity, and a description of the issue.

Independent Issues
You log independent issues in the issues list (Assignments>Issues). When logging an independent issue, you specify the name, severity, locale, workgroup, assignee (user or workflow role), and description of the issue. After you log the issue, an email message is sent to the assignee(s), provided that email notification is set up in their personal preferences (Tools > Personal Preferences).

Viewing Issues
Where and how you view an issue depends on whether the issue is a task issue or an independent issue. See one of the following sections for an overview.

Task Issues
You can view task issues from the task list by clicking the issue link for the appropriate task, or you can view task issues from the issues list.
To view task issues from the issues list, select one of the following from the "View" drop-down menu then click the issue title link:

  • All issues for tasks claimed by you
  • All issues assigned to you or for tasks claimed by you (shows both task issues and independent issues)

Independent Issues
View independent issues in the issues list. Select one of the following from the "View" drop-down menu then click the issue title link:

  • All issues assigned to you or for tasks claimed by you (shows both task issues and independent issues)
  • All issues assigned to you
  • All issues for your locales and workgroups
  • All issues you are allowed to see

Tracking and Modifying Issues
Regardless of whether an issue is a task issue or an independent issue, you track and modify issues in the issues list. Click the issue link to modify an issue. You can view the general information about the issue as well as its history. When modifying an issue, you can change the status, assignee (for independent issues only), and notes.
