Interleaf Desktop Utility Messages

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Interleaf Desktop Utility Messages?

The following error messages indicate problems that prevent the utility from running. The description of each error message indicates the most likely problem and suggests solutions.

NOTE: The lists are not exhaustive; they do not contain self-explanatory error messages.

Error Message

You must specify exactly one of the -c, -h, -i, -k, -p, -t, or -x options.
You either failed to specify one of the switches listed or failed to specify more than one of the switches listed. Execute the command again using one of the switches listed.

Unexpected EOF on IDU file.
An unexpected end-of-file marker appeared in the IDU file when you used the -t or -x switch. This usually means you have an incomplete IDU file; perhaps the disk was full when the file was created.

Illegal option optionswitch.
You have used an undefined option switch.
Run the command again without the illegal option switch.

filename not found in IDU file.
While extracting files from an IDU file, IDU did not find one of the files in the list you supplied. Use the -t options to see what files are in the IDU file.

Could not open IDU file filename: No such file or directory.
IDU cannot open the input file because the file does not exist, you misspelled the filename, or you do not have necessary permissions.

This doesn't look like an IDU file.
Either the file being processed is not an IDU file or header information in the file being processed is incorrect.

Warning or Information Messages

Error Message

Link linkname not included.
When creating the IDU file, the utility encountered a link and did not include it. If you want to include links, use the -l or -ll switch.

All document related files will be added.
You have used the -a switch, so all related files (including checkpoint, backup, crash, and work-in-progress files) will be added to the IDU file.

No document related files will be added.
You have used the -z switch.

This doesn't look like an IDU file. Skipping to next file header.
Header information in the file being processed is incorrect, but the utility was able to recover from the error.
