What is the translation memory compatibility of PASSOLO

Passolo Frequently asked questions

What is the translation memory compatibility of PASSOLO?

With the add-in for TRADOS Workbench (including Terminology), you can access existing TRADOS translation memories or terminology databases while localizing software in PASSOLO. The add-in offers direct access to multiple translation memories without requiring synchronization (export from TRADOS and import in PASSOLO).
Activate the option Use TM if base languages are equal if you want to use the current translation memory for translations in PASSOLO. This means it is possible to use a translation memory with, for example, Portuguese (Portugal) as the target language when the target language in PASSOLO is Portuguese (Brazil).
Select the Active TM option to use the current translation memory for a translation in PASSOLO. If you do not want to use a translation memory for the translation of a given project, you can simply deactivate this option - you don't need to delete the connection.
