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Professional Translation
SEO Translation
Professional Proofreading and Editing
Game Localization
Transcreation and Copywriting
Cultural Consulting and Brand Name Analysis
Multilingual Content Creation and Copy Adaptation
Machine Translation Post Editing (MTPE)
Terminology Management and Glossary Creation
Linguistic Brand Management
Desktop Publishing and Technical Content
Multilingual Desktop Publishing
Content Conversion and Format Migration
DITA and XML Content Management
eLearning Content Development
Project Management
Audio and Video
Voice Over
Video Subtitling
Audio Transcription and Captioning
Advanced Editing with Descript and Other Tools
Social Media Video Editing and Optimization
QA and Testing
Multilingual Software Testing
Language Quality Assurance and Testing
Accessibility and Inclusive Content Consulting
Digital Solutions and AI
Website Localization and International SEO
Exiqze CMS Implementation and Support html Copy code
Website Design and Development
Web and iOS App Development
Social Media Marketing
Data Annotation and AI Training Support
AI Services and Integration
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Education and eLearning
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DITA and XML Content Management
Content and Asset Management
Process and Methodology
Translation and Localization
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Desktop publishing (DTP)
Adobe FrameMaker
SDL Trados
Adobe InDesign
Interleaf QuickSilver
Microsoft Publisher
Macromedia flash
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Side Menu
Home Page - English
Services - English
Professional Translation - English
SEO Translation - English
Professional Proofreading and Editing - English
Localization - English
Game Localization - English
Transcreation and Copywriting - English
Cultural Consulting and Brand Name Analysis - English
Multilingual Content Creation and Copy Adaptation - English
Machine Translation Post Editing (MTPE) - English
Terminology Management and Glossary Creation - English
Linguistic Brand Management - English
Multilingual Desktop Publishing - English
Content Conversion and Format Migration - English
DITA and XML Content Management - English
eLearning Content Development - English
Project Management - English
Voice Over - English
Video Subtitling - English
Audio Transcription and Captioning - English
Advanced Editing with Descript and Other Tools - English
Social Media Video Editing and Optimization - English
Multilingual Software Testing - English
Language Quality Assurance and Testing - English
Accessibility and Inclusive Content Consulting - English
Website Localization and International SEO - English
Exiqze CMS Implementation and Support html Copy code - English
Website Design and Development - English
Web and iOS App Development - English
Social Media Marketing - English
Data Annotation and AI Training Support - English
AI Services and Integration - English
Opportunities - English
Career - English
Work with us - English
Affiliate - English
Contact - English
Contact - English
Free Quote - English
Privacy Policy - English
Opticentre - English
Payment - English
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Blog - English
Industries - English
Manufacturing - English
Ecommerce - English
Marketing and Media - English
Software and IT - English
Education and eLearning - English
Title - English
Blog Title2 - English
Title - English
DITA and XML Content Management - English
What is the DITA standard - English?
What is the DocBook standard - English?
What is the DocBook standard - English?
What is DocBook - English?
Why DocBook is needed - English?
What is XML Content Management - English?
What is Web Content Management - English?
Content and Asset Management - English
What is a Content Management System - English?
What are the benefits of content management - English?
What are the types of content management systems - English?
Why content management workflow matters - English?
What is a Globalization Management System - English?
What is Meta Data - English?
Process and Methodology - English
What is Translation Management - English?
What is a Project Tracking System - English?
What is Source Control - English?
Why do you need Source Control - English?
Why do you need Content Management - English?
What are the benefits of Content Management - English?
Translation and Localization - English
What is translation - English?
What is Localization - English?
How does localization differ from straight translation - English?
What is document translation - English?
What is software translation - English?
What is software localization (l10n) - English?
What is web site localization and translation - English?
Why do you need localization services - English?
What is the standard localization process and why is not translating enough - English?
What are the different types of localization services - English?
What is the definition of internationalization and how does it relate to localization - English?
Why pay for localization services if some distributors offer them for free - English?
Why pay for translation services instead of using free automatic translation - English?
Why pay a localization company when I can do it internally - English?
Are you able to download our website to localize it - English?
Why do you need your website localized - English?
What kind of documents can you proofread and edit - English?
What is specialized translation - English?
Why Opticentre is right for you when it comes to document translation - English?
Why choose Opticentre for Desktop Publishing Localization and File Translation - English?
What is the process of multimedia localization - English?
Authoring Tools and Technologies - English?
What is translation memory - English?
Why use TM - English?
A note on TMX - English?
Preparing Documentation for Localization - English?
Preparing Help for localization - English?
Graphics localization - English?
Help Testing and Engineering - English?
Basic terminology - English?
Help desking and Support - English
What is Help Desk - English?
What is Help Desk Technical Support - English?
What is a web enabled helpdesk - English?
When should Help Desk be used - English?
Why do you need Help Desk Support - English?
Why is Help Desk better than traditional phone support - English?
Technical Publishing - English
What is XML - English?
Why do you need technical authoring - English?
Why single source multi channel publishing should be preferred - English?
- English
What is PASSOLO performing - English?
Which PASSOLO edition do you need - English?
What are the system requirements for installing PASSOLO - English?
Supported file formats in PASSOLO - English?
Data exchange in PASSOLO - English?
What is the translation memory compatibility of PASSOLO - English?
- English
What does it take in terms of minimal requirements to run Heartsome - English?
What are the most unique features in Heartsomes translation tools - English?
What kind of IT platform do I need to run Heartsomes translation tools - English?
The editor I have just installed does not start. What can I do - English?
I am trying to use a Macintosh or Linux version of the Heartsome editor to translate an Arabic document, but it does not seem to work properly - English?
Our problem in using your product in Windows is the regular recurrence of: unknown protocol: c error. Do you have a solution - English?
Are Heartsomes Translation Memories compatible with other CAT tools - English?
Can we assume that Heartsomes translation tools work with any XML DTD - English?
What is the translation memory technology of Heartsome - English?
Improving speed of TMX imports - English?
Reorganizing TMX files with 3 or more languages - English?
Installation of Aspell spell checker on Windows - English?
Installing and configuring Aspell on MacOS X - English?
I get an error about Java not being installed, what does that mean - English?
Can Oracle 9i be used with Heartsome tools - English?
What document formats are supported by the XLIFF Translation Editor - English?
MemoQ - English
What is Project Manager in MemoQ - English?
What is MemoQ server - English?
Tailoring the Workflow in MemoQ - English?
What is the compatibility of MemoQ with other CAT tools - English?
What is alignment - English?
What are regular expressions in MemoQ - English?
Pretranslation in MemoQ - English?
How to make a bilingual document - English?
Statistics and homogeneity in MemoQ - English?
What is the translation memory in MemoQ - English?
Globalization - English
What is globalization - English?
What is the difference between globalization and localization - English?
What is a product globalization - English?
What is content globalization - English?
What is the best tool to internationalize my software - English?
What is internationalization - English?
How to play an AVI file with subtitles - English?
XML - English
What is XML (Extensible Markup Language) - English?
So XML is Just Like HTML - English?
So XML Is Just Like SGML - English?
Why XML - English?
How is XML defined - English?
Desktop publishing (DTP) - English
What is Desktop publishing - English?
History of Desktop publishing - English?
Bidirectional languages - English?
Double byte languages - English?
What is Quality Assurance - English?
What is Opticentre Desktop Publishing Workflow - English?
From English to Cyrillic to Chinese - English?
Troubleshoot exporting PDF using Acrobat Distiller - English?
Adobe FrameMaker - English
What is FrameMaker - English?
Automatically Saving to MIF - English?
What if I want to save time by Cutting and Pasting my FrameMaker - English?
How to change line SPACING - English?
How to change the MARGINS for a document - English?
Changing PAGINATION (and what it is) - English?
How to UNLOCK a file - English?
How to make a BIBLIOGRAPHY - English?
How is FrameMaker positioned in relation to PageMaker and InDesign software - English?
Can I move a book from PageMaker or QuarkXPress into FrameMaker 7.0 - English?
What is the FrameMaker Server product - English?
What is the difference between FrameMaker 7.0 and FrameMaker Server 7.0 - English?
How do I create accessible documents (PDF and HTML) from FrameMaker 7.0 - English?
InDesign 2.0 does XML. Is that the same thing as XML in FrameMaker 7.0 - English?
What is XMP and how is it supported in FrameMaker - English?
What is Tagged PDF - English?
Will FrameMaker 7.0 files still print on my PostScript Level 1 printer - English?
FrameMaker SGML - English?
From Interleaf Quicksilver to Adobe FrameMaker - English?
Structured Documents - English?
Problems in FrameMaker 7 with CE fonts - English?
Migrating from Unstructured to Structured FrameMaker - English?
How to scale tables to fit the text column width in FrameMaker - English?
How to insert cross references - English?
Troubleshoot exporting PDF using Adobe FrameMaker - English?
Japanese Publishing with Adobe FrameMaker 7.0 - English?
Combined Fonts in FrameMaker - English?
SDL Trados - English
Project structure in Trados - English?
What is an STF file - English?
What are the S TAGGERS - English?
Adobe InDesign - English
Adobe InDesign CS 2: a new generation - English?
What are the top 10 new features in Adobe InDesign CS2 - English?
Unable to save InDesign CS2 files in InDesign CS format - English?
InDesign CS crashes when you try to open an INX file from InDesign CS2 - English?
Transparency issues - English?
Why do my images appear in low resolution - English?
What is Adobe Creative Suite 2 - English?
What are Adobe Bridge and Adobe Stock Photos - English?
Adobe InDesign PageMaker Edition and Adobe PageMaker Plug in Pack - English?
How does InDesign CS2 work with other Adobe products - English?
What is Adobe InCopy - English?
How do I open a QuarkXPress document with Adobe InDesign - English?
Is it possible to convert QuarkXPress documents to InDesign CS2 format - English?
InDesign through Trados StoryCollector - English?
Interleaf QuickSilver - English
What is Interleaf - English?
What is New in QuickSilver - English?
How does Interleaf compare to FrameMaker, IslandWrite, WordPerfect, etc. - English?
Document Versions - English?
How to Create a Linked Icon - English?
How to find and change text and text properties - English?
Hyphenation - English?
How to define a New Master - English?
How to Import and Export Files - English?
How to Lock Files - English?
What is Interleaf Desktop Utility - English?
What are The IDU Option Switches - English?
How To Create an IDU File - English?
How To Extract Files from an IDU File - English?
How To Transfer Files Using the i Switch - English?
Interleaf Desktop Utility Messages - English?
How to print a QuickSilver document - English?
How To Create a Table - English?
How To Change Table Rulings - English?
How To Convert Text to a Table - English?
Troubleshooting - English?
How To Designate Components for a TOC - English?
How to Create a TOC and TOC Dialog Box - English?
How To Edit the Style and Content of a TOC - English?
How to convert an .idu file to Quicksilver 3.0 format - English?
QuarkXPress - English
What is QuarkXPress - English?
How to prepare a QuarkXPress project for translation - English?
Working with Story Collector in QuarkXPress - English?
Batch functions in Story Collector for QuarkXPress - English?
How to make Excel Tables in Quark 6.1 - English?
What is the difference between QuarkXPress and QuarkXPress Passport - English?
QuarkXPress 6 versus InDesign CS - English?
Problems with True Type fonts from Quark 7 to Quark 6 - English?
QuarkXPress Refuses to Open Files - English?
Languages - English
List of language abbreviations - English?
What is UNICODE - English?
What is the UNICODE Standard, Version 5.0 - English?
Japanese line breaks - English?
Fonts - English
OpenType font - English?
TrueType font - English?
FreeType font - English?
PostScript - English?
What is serif and sans serif font - English?
What Do LT, MT or EF in My Font Name Stand For - English?
Replace fonts workaround: Powerpoint - English?
Idiom - English
What is Idiom - English?
Server Recommendations - English?
Installing WorldServer on Windows - English?
Installing WorldServer on Solaris or Linux - English?
Creating Locales - English?
Connecting to Content - English?
Before Designing Workflow - English?
Designing Workflow - English?
Creating a Project - English?
Advanced Setup - English?
Setting Up Service Desk - English?
Working with the Home Tab - English?
Working with Explorer - English?
Working with Tasks - English?
Translating Assets and Tasks - English?
Translating Assets and Tasks Offline - English?
Working with Issues - English?
Working with Notifications - English?
Maintaining Linguistic Tools - English?
Microsoft Publisher - English
How to Save as XPS in Office 12 - English?
Can I save a document in Office XML AND XPS in the same file - English?
What is XPS Large Format Support for CAD Vertical Markets - English?
Macromedia flash - English
How To Load An External Text File Into Flash For Dynamic Webpages - English?
Proofing - English
What is proofing - English?
General - English
How can I count the words in my document - English?